Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Ruling
State’s Leading Evangelical Group Applauds Today’s Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Decision
Transform Minnesota Believes Ruling is Victory for all Americans

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — Transform Minnesota, the state’s leading evangelical Christian organization, applauds today’s Supreme Court’s decision in Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby as a “significant victory for all Americans.”
In an interview on KARE11 TV, Carl Nelson, President and CEO of Transform Minnesota explained the significance of the decision; “Every American should be glad that government is not so powerful that it can dictate our conscience.”
The 5-4 decision means the government did not demonstrate adequate cause for compelling for-profit corporations to provide contraceptive-related coverage in their health plans for employees. The “contraceptive mandate,” as some have called it, would have required for-profit businesses to provide this type of coverage regardless if it violated the company’s religious beliefs.
[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]This decision means that government cannot impose its beliefs on family-owned businesses[/pullquote] “Today’s ruling by the Supreme Court is a significant victory for all Americans, ensuring that each one of us is free to live and work according to our beliefs without fear of government punishment,” said Nelson. “As America becomes more religiously diverse, our most important right is our freedom of religion, and today’s ruling confirms that government cannot single out people of faith for punishment for following their faith.”Transform Minnesota, formerly the Greater Minnesota Association of Evangelicals, is the state’s largest evangelical group, representing hundreds of churches across the state. Founded in 1965, Transform Minnesota has been connecting and mobilizing evangelicals for nearly 50 years.
Some people wrongly assume that this decision allows corporations to force their beliefs on their employees. Instead, “this decision means that government cannot impose its beliefs on family-owned businesses,” says Nelson.
The Hobby Lobby case pitted the potential reach of government into private businesses on an issue that many believe touches on religious beliefs. Hobby Lobby already provides health care to its employees; however, the so-called “employer mandate” would have required the business to provide health coverage that would have violated the religious beliefs of the owners of Hobby Lobby even though they readily provide 16 of the 20 FDA approved contraceptives required by the mandate.
“The decision today by the Supreme Court is not only a victory for Christians,” Nelson said. “It’s also a victory for adherents of other faiths as well, as the right to religious freedom is one of our country’s most cherished. Whether you agree with contraception or not, every American should be glad that government is not so powerful that it can dictate our conscience.”
For more information about Transform Minnesota and its regional network and activities, visit www.transformmn.org.
Transform Minnesota is a regional network of evangelicals united behind a common vision and desire to see the gospel and Christ’s Kingdom transform the state. For additional information, visit www.transformmn.org.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: June 30, 2014 Carl Nelson @ 612.243.2941 carl@transformmn.org
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