Serve church leaders with resources that equip congregations to advance the Gospel of Jesus.


Transform Minnesota supports local churches, staff, and leaders in their ministry efforts. We provide a place for evangelicals to stay informed on how the Gospel of Jesus is advancing in our neighborhoods, cities, and around the world.

We connect and equip the local Church with opportunities for new strategies in multiplication, missions, leadership development, and Church vibrancy.

Church Impact Upcoming Events


Church Impact Previous Events

Renewing our Public Witness with Civic Revival

More than 250 leaders learned new ways to approach the election cycle through Civic Revival and the Church Politics podcast.

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Answering the Questions of Each Generation

Rev. Dr. James Choung provided insight on ways to reach different generations with the message of the Gospel.

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Building a Culture of Formation

Dr. Walter Kim encouraged leaders to adopt a comprehensive Gospel that promotes formation and cultural flourishing.

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An Invitation to Welcome the Stranger

Arrive Ministries tells us about their work in refugee resettlement and the biblical invitation to welcome the stranger.

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