April 1-3: iDisciple Basic Training Seminar

Disciple Making Movements Spring iDisciple Training

hosted by City Team

Friday, April 1 – 7:00pm-9:30pmiDisciple_Seminars_2014_logo
Saturday, April 2 – 8:00am-9:30pm
Sunday, April 3 – 8:00am-4:00pm

Association Retreat Center
2372 30th Ave. Osceola, WI 54020
(one hour northeast of Minneapolis; 45 minutes from St. Paul)

$139 – Fri, Sat, & Sun: Includes 5 meals, snacks, 2 nights lodging, & training materials.
$109 – Fri & Sat only: Includes 4 meals, 1 night of lodging, & training materials.

2016 DMM Training Opportunity

Basic Training Seminars provide a stepping board into Disciple Making Movements and will teach you the basics of foundational approach of Discovery Bible Studies. You will learn from those on the field through interactive workshops. The goal of this seminar is to equip you to fully engage the life of a disciple of Jesus with the focus on completing the Great Commission. (This will be the only training provided for the Twin Cities Metro in 2016.)

You will:

  • Learn the basics of DMM and become comfortable with it so that you can lead and coach others.
  • Examine Jesus teachings about being and making disciples and learn how to apply them to your life.
  • Learn through application by processing through small groups, not lecture.
  • Become equipped to replicate the training process with others.


To register, click here or
Telephone: 800-294-2877 or 715-294-2877
FAX: 715-294-2398 Email:  guestservice@arc-aflc.org

September 30, 2013