April 19: Design for Non-Designers

The message you’re sharing, the events you’re hosting and the causes you are championing matter–and it’s important that the materials, ads, signs you’re creating capture the quality and significance of what you’re doing.

In other words, design matters.
But not all of us have been trained to design.

This is a class that offers some helpful, backbone graphic design skills to people who aren’t officially designers, but find themselves doing the work anyhow. We’ll cover the basic “rules” of how to work elements like typography and text, white space, color, images, branding, flow; talk about resources for learning different programs, what they mean, and why they might be helpful; do some hands on tutorials that help train our eye to know good design; and more.

Wednesday, April 19
9:00am – 11:00am
Transform Minnesota
1515 E 66th St. Richfield, MN 55423

$10 Registration fee. Space is limited.
Click here to register.


About the presenter:

With quirky creativity and a zest to embrace the very greatest of good, Tin Cup Design schemes and illustrates prints, stationery, branding and promotion in a way that truly unleashes delight. Jordan Sundberg (the gal behind the business) has a love for unusual color, stretches of both urban and lonely landscapes, steep and stunning Duluth (where she, her husband and their daughter live), flora and fauna and the life of neighborhoods–all of which find themselves subject of her art. You can find Tin Cup Design and her makings at www.tincupdesignco.com

Click here to register.



Thank you to our Ministry Equip sponsor:

September 13, 2012

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