November 8: Stay Out of Hot Water
Stay Out of Hot Water
Effective Strategies to Manage and Document the Employee Discipline Process
Wednesday, November 8, 9-11am
Transform Minnesota, 1515 E 66th St. Richfield, MN 55423
Presenter: Julie Fisk – Professor at Concordia University, St. Paul
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Oftentimes supervisors at faith-based nonprofits don’t feel equipped to deal with staff concerns and documenting discipline processes. Other times organizations avoid dealing with these difficult situations because they are uncomfortable or seem to lack grace and compassion. Find out how intervening early-on when personnel issues first arise leads to decreased legal risk for the organization and, if necessary, a more effective termination.
Learn best practices for discipline procedures, documentation steps and the employer and employee’s legal rights in the case of termination.
Plus learn how effective communication during difficult conversations can transform your organization. Seminar includes workshop-style and real-life scenarios.
Topics to be covered:
- When to start documenting performance issues?
- What is the proper and legal way to document employee concerns?
- How long should you document an issue before organizations have cause to terminate employment?
- What does an effective “standard of performance” or probation period look like?
- Analyzing the annual performance review – how to balance giving an accurate performance depiction while offering a time for future goal setting.
- What constitutes an immediate termination offense? Tools on preparing the documentation needed when immediate employee termination is necessary.
- The appropriate situations for consulting with internal Human Resources versus bringing in outside legal counsel.
Julie Fisk is an attorney and Human Resource Management professor at Concordia University, St. Paul. She practiced law for 15 years and developed a niche in the employment law advice area (primarily for employers). Julie was one of three attorneys in charge of her law firm’s monthly training for employers called the Breakfast Seminar, in addition to speaking several times a year at a variety of larger conferences and organizations on employment law topics. Julie is an advisor with Bridging the Gap, the statewide, nondenominational women’s ministry arm of the Assemblies of God District Office and she co-chairs the Sisterhood Leadership division of Bridging the Gap – bringing encouragement and training to women in leadership positions.
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