Sexual Identity and Labels : A Testimony by Rachel Gilson
A personal story of biblical ethics as a same sex attracted believer.
February 13, 2020 | 1:00pm – 3:00pm
The Grove Church
As the Church learns how to better love the LGBT+ community while holding to a biblical sexual ethic, it’s critical to listen.
Rachel Gilson has been sharing her personal story of serving Jesus as a same sex attracted believer for over three years. Rachel serves on the leadership team of Theological Development and Culture with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) and Campus Staff for the Northeast Region specifically in LGBT+ engagement.
Join us for a morning with Rachel as she shares how she met Jesus as a student at Yale University and how meeting him changed her understanding of her same-sex attraction. She will also speak to sexual identity and labels. Does it matter if someone identifies as a gay Christian or a same-sex attracted Christian? How does self-identification impact the goal of sanctification and pursuit of holiness?
This event is being offered in two different locations, one in North Minneapolis and the other in South Minneapolis. Rachel Gilson will cover the same content for both events.