Border Crisis
Transform Minnesota urges Congress to address unaccompanied children at the border crisis.
Perspectives, resources from other evangelical organizations.

During the last few months, more than 50,000 unaccompanied children have arrived in the United States, most of them fleeing violence and poverty in Central and South America.
The circumstances leading to this crisis are complex, but Transform Minnesota has encouraged the Minnesota congressional delegation to respond to the situation humanely, recognizing the vulnerability of these unaccompanied children. Writing on behalf the evangelical network in Minnesota, Carl Nelson, president and CEO of Transform Minnesota said, “We recognize that the plight of these children is a complex crisis, but we offer our prayers as you seek to make decisions that protect and safeguard the most vulnerable among us.”
Transform Minnesota has added its voice to a broad coalition of national evangelical organizations represented in the Evangelical Immigration Table urging Congress to provide necessary funds to respond humanely and to keep in place existing legislation that has specific provisions for the care of unaccompanied minors.
Learn More
- Southern Baptist Convention (ERLC): What you should know about the border crisis.
- World Magazine (Joel Belz): Bothersome Babies: the border crisis is a chance to treat children better than we have for the last 40 years.
Evangelical Organizations
- Evangelical Immigration Table (statement)
- National Latino Evangelical Coalition
- World Relief
- National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC)
The letter to the congressional delegation, reads in part:
“I am writing on behalf of the evangelical network in Minnesota to urge your support for the necessary resources and policies to ensure that the more than 50,000 unaccompanied children who have arrived in the United States in the last few months can be properly screened and adjudicated.
“Evangelicals in Minnesota join our voice to the to provide additional funds to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to respond to this crisis, rather than simply transferring funding from one vulnerable population to another. We also urge you to maintain the protections afforded in the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPRA), which .
Other national evangelical organizations who have urged Congress to respond include the National Association of Evangelicals, World Relief, the Christian Community Development Association, the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Congress and numerous others.
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