Foster Care and the Church

Kaycee Stanley shares how the Church can be involved in foster care and adoption. 

“We as the Church, we as the people of God can address so many issues that our nation is facing if kids in our communities have Jesus and family. Let’s not think for one second that our adoption as sons and daughters of God came without challenges. Yet our God says we are worth it. For followers of Jesus, being pro-life is much bigger than being anti-abortion; this is a great starting point but this is not where we stay.” 

Kaycee Stanley is the founder and Executive Director of The Reel Hope Project. She and her husband Pete love three things: Jesus, kids, and stories. For a long time, they dreamed about how to change the narrative around adopting from foster care, especially within faith communities. In the spring of 2016, The Reel Hope Project was born. Their vision is to mobilize the faith community in Minnesota, and their mission is a forever family for every child. In 2019, Kaycee and Pete adopted their first son, whom they met through The Reel Hope Project. He is the coolest kid in the world.

April 26, 2021