May 3: More Than a Grad Gift: Launching Faithful Graduates into All Walks of Life

Sponsor: Made To Flourish

More Than a Grad Gift: Launching Faithful Graduates into All Walks of Life

Youth pastors are invited to join us for a fantastic lunch and to hear from a team of speakers from Anselm House at the University of Minnesota about the transition from High School to College/Career. Anselm House engages at the U of M with a mission to help students and U of M faculty connect faith and knowledge with all of life.

When: Thursday, May 3, 2018 | 11:00am-1:00pm

Where: Pub 42 | 7600 42nd Ave N, New Hope, MN 55427

Cost: Free

Registration and Information: Click HERE to visit the event page and to register for the event.

Questions: Please email or call 612-508-2063 with any questions.

August 29, 2011