Skepticism and Racial Justice: Dr. Ed Uszynski and Nina Barnes

In July, we were excited to host an in-person event with Dr. Ed Uszynski and Nina Barnes on the conversation of Skepticism and Racial Justice. Transform’s President, Carl Nelson, led a conversation with both leaders around a topic that’s on the minds of many church leaders and pastors.  

Dr. Uszynski remarked on the last 10-15 years, and the changes in the conversation of race. He attributes that partially to the political climate and the prevalence of cell-phone recordings during police stops. Later, Nina Barnes shared her unique and valuable perspective as a Black woman who leads at a predominantly white Evangelical University. Nina implored that racism is an extremely spiritual battle that we are called to fight. 

Both speakers acknowledged that the conversation around race has become more divisive. Each of them gave practical examples of how we can lean into the conversation and seek to understand those who may feel skeptical in the conversation on race, racism and racial justice. They encouraged us to stay in the hard conversations, knowing that’s when real change can happen.  

They encouraged us to stay in the hard conversations, knowing that’s when real change can happen.  

We were honored to partner with these wise leaders and followers of Christ who desire to help our church communities grow and flourish. 

September 2, 2021
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