The Precept FastTrack Leader Training Workshop is designed to identify and equip existing and future Bible Study Leaders who will lead others in Inductive Bible Study in the church, home or workplace. Even if you have had no experience leading a class or using the Inductive Bible Study Method, this workshop is suitable for you to learn this proven method by using the 40-Minute Bible Studies.
Join our featured guest, Katherine Leary Aldorf, and fellow pastors and peers for this interactive and practical exploration of faith as integral to work and vocation.
How should Christians engage the culture? This was the main theme of last Thursday’s Q Commons, a national event combining live-streamed national talks and local, in-person speakers. People from all over the world gathered at local host sites to hear ...
Discussion with China experts to learn how the Church is really doing in China. Filter through stories of great persecution on one hand and amazing signs of growth and openness on the other. Learn about the varied regions and people groups encompassed in this vast land.
Join us for Anti-trafficking 101, and learn helpful tips, action plans and next steps to help protect the innocent, and enable you to get involved and make an impact in your community. Sexual perversion has permeated every aspect of our culture and the church must stand up against it!