Gen Z and the Church, pt. 1 - VIDEO
A look back at the first video from our Gen Z and the Church webinar series, featuring Savannah Kimberlin.
Twin Cities Pastoral Panel - VIDEO
Twin Cities Pastoral Panel at An Evening with Bryan Stevenson on November 8, 2018; including Pastor Matthew St. John, Pastor Le Que Heidkamp, Pastor Edrin Williams, and Carl Nelson.
Gen Z and the Church, pt. 2 - VIDEO
A look back at the second video from our Gen Z and the Church webinar series featuring A.J. Swoboda.
Transform Ideas: Holistic Pro-Life - VIDEO
On October 4, 2018 our fourth Transform Ideas forum looked into how Christians can be pro-abundant life, rather than just anti-abortion. Our inspiring panel of speakers challenged the audience to seek the goal of working toward a healthy flourishing society, as we aim to have a consistent pro-life witness. Plus how seeking value and dignity in the unborn and already born means we should advocate for foster care and affordable housing.
The Gospel, the Church & Immigration - AUDIO
Listen to Leith Anderson, the NAE President from Coming Together Conference in 2013, discussing the Biblical framework for immigration reform.
Belovedness by Rev. Efrem Smith - AUDIO
Rev. Efrem Smith shared on Belovedness at our United in Freedom seminar on November 3, 2015 at Shiloh Temple International Ministries. Listen to Rev. Smith's talk or read a summary of his theological and biblical framework for advancing the Kingdom of God and being agents of transformation within the reality of the constructs of race and its impact in our communities.
Carl Nelson Guest Hosts AM 980 The Mission - AUDIO
Transform Minnesota President Carl Nelson guest hosted "On the Way with Paul Ridgeway" on AM 980: The Mission on November 4, 2015. Listen to Carl Nelson as he talks about how Transform Minnesota is engaging and mobilizing evangelicals for the love of Jesus across our state.
Carl's Sermon on Daniel - Flourishing in a Hostile World - AUDIO
Carl Nelson, President of Transform Minnesota, speaks at First Free Church in Minneapolis in February of 2016, drawing inspiration from the incredible life of the prophet Daniel to guide Christians as we navigate our lives in today's world.
Loving Our Muslim Neighbors - AUDIO
To adequately and powerfully love our Muslim neighbors, listen to the words Dick Brogden, of Live Dead, spoke at Cedar Valley Church on November 1, 2016.
Transform Ideas: The Timeless Call for Racial Harmony - AUDIO
Our first Transform Ideas forum was The Timeless Call for Racial Harmony held on April 27, 2017 at Hope Community Church. Four local speakers addressed 225 audience members with ideas relating to both our nation’s history of racism and our present day reality of racial disparities in the Twin Cities.
Transform Ideas: Creation Care - AUDIO
On September 28, 2017, Transform Ideas: Creation Care explored the effects of a changing environment on resources and vulnerable populations. The focus was to consider our biblical responsibility to care for the poor and vulnerable who often suffer the most from weather extremes. Over 220 from the Metro and St. Cloud area attended to learn how they might become better stewards of creation, be equipped as thoughtful citizens of the Kingdom, and love their brothers and sisters in need around the world.
Grow Conference 2018 Keynote Addresses - AUDIO
Rev. Kevin Kompelien, President of the Evangelical Free Church of America delivered the Opening and Closing Keynote Addresses, titled "Entrusted with the Gospel"at the Grow Conference on March 3, 2018.
Transform Ideas: Awakening the Church to Mental Health - VIDEO
Transform Ideas: Awakening the Church to Mental Health on September 29, 2018 offered a diverse line-up of speakers with a wide variety of perspectives; from the clinical to the personal and the spiritual.