The Sanctuary Covenant Church will host the 2nd Annual Justice Weekend with special Guest Lisa Sharon Harper on October 1st and 2nd. Join us as we explore the intersection of faith and justice in the Church. At this year's justice weekend we will focus on the concept of Shalom and Witness with author Lisa Sharon Harper.
Twin Cities pastors, join us! In light of the growing relevance of sexual identity today, we offer this morning seminar for pastors and ministry leaders as a resource to expand and deepen theological understanding of human sexuality. How should Christians respond in a gospel-centered way to homosexuality and those in the LGB community? How do we minister to those experiencing same-sex attractions and offer a safe and redemptive place to grow in Christ?
7-9pm at Christ Presbyterian Church: Hear inspiring stories for engaging culture to advance the common good. Presented by Transform Minnesota, The Table at CPC and Q ideas.
Rochester pastors, join us! In light of the growing relevance of sexual identity today, we offer this morning seminar for pastors and ministry leaders as a resource to expand and deepen theological understanding of human sexuality. How should Christians respond in a gospel-centered way to homosexuality and those in the LGB community? How do we minister to those experiencing same-sex attractions and offer a safe and redemptive place to grow in Christ?
Join us as we explore what unbounded spiritual appetites look like in the many trials and joys of the Christian life. Free 2 Day Seminar hosted by Bethlehem College & Seminary.
Join the conversation: “Engaging our Divided Nation.” National and local speakers will lead 9 minute talks on how we can engage our cultural moment and consider how to advance good in Minneapolis.
An event for community and church patrons. This one-day event will bring together health professionals, clinicians, physicians, caregivers, dynamic speakers, educators, vendors, and experts in care-giving and healthcare reform. Hosted at Shiloh Temple International Ministries.