Rev. Jeff Krogstad’s call follows retirement of Rev. Steve Dornbush in 2013. Congregation is excited by his vision to see Jesus transform lives.

Calvary Lutheran Church in Golden Valley, a member church of Transform Minnesota, recently voted to welcome the Rev. Jeff Krogstad as its new senior pastor. The move follows the retirement of the Rev. Steve Dornbusch in 2013.
Over the years, Calvary has been deeply involved with Transform Minnesota, particularly with Arrive Ministries and its Somali outreach ministry called Rajo.
“We are so excited to introduce Pastor Krogstad to our congregation and the community,” said John Russo, church council president, via a media release. “Pastor Krogstad has the passion and vision to lead Calvary and its ministries into a bright future.”
As senior pastor, Krogstad wants to emphasize deeper discipleship and “authentic Christ-centered community life.”
“Jeff is passionate about following Jesus and yearns to see the church grow deep into God’s Word and wide into the lives of people,” said Sharon Lindau, co-chair of the committee assigned to finding a new senior pastor. “This is what the congregation of Calvary Lutheran Church desires, and we are thrilled we found someone committed to this vision.”
Krogstad’s passion is to see people transformed by Christ.
“I love seeing people, by the power and leading of God’s Spirit, experiencing true freedom and gaining a vision for the Kingdom of God,” Krogstad said, via the release. “It transforms their lives.”
Carl Nelson, president and CEO of Transform Minnesota, is encouraged by Krogstad’s vision and looks forward to Calvary’s continued relationship with Transform Minnesota.
“We welcome Rev. Krogstad and are encouraged with his vision for Calvary Lutheran Church,” Nelson said. “We look forward to deepening our relationship even more with his congregation and seeing people all over the state transformed by the love of Christ and His Kingdom vision.”