More than 10,000 people gathered together on May 7th for UNITE National Day of Prayer making this the largest NDOP gathering in the country.

The prayers of people from more than 500 churches filled up Mariucci Arena on the University of Minnesota’s Minneapolis campus.
“The atmosphere was prayer-saturated before we even got there,” said Reverend Herman Colon, Lead Pastor at Maranatha Minneapolis Church, and Board Member of Transform Minnesota.
This opportunity for heaven to come to earth is the result of dozens of churches working together for years to see a city-wide united prayer effort. For the past five years the UNITE National Day of Prayer has been growing to record levels, this year topping out at 10,000 participants on-site and 5,000 participating online.
“The last two years this has really taken off. Something unique is happening in the Twin Cities,” said Jay Anderson, Director for UNITE. “Unite is part of the story of God moving, we see it as a blessing to go after it with a number of organizations and churches.”

People came ready to seek the heart and mission of God, to listen to Grammy-nominee Christian artist Kari Jobe and the preaching of best-selling author Francis Chan. A large high school and college-aged audience prayed together for a “reset” of the Twin Cities. “Reset” was the theme of the evening, as organizers pray for a revival in America.
“The pastors together praying in the back room felt like this was a historic time to change the spiritual climate in Minnesota,” said Rev. Colon. “You could feel the shifting taking place, it was beautiful.”
Click here to see a video of Kari Jobe, Francis Chan and Nick Hall at UNITE National Day of Prayer.