Transform Minnesota is excited to announce election of new members to its board of directors.
Six new members were elected to the board of directors of Transform Minnesota at the board’s quarterly meeting on March 20.
“The evangelical network has been blessed with skilled, visionary board members for much of my tenure,” said Carl Nelson, the organization’s president, “and I am excited by the high caliber of leaders in this new class of directors.” A complete roster of board members is available at “About Us“.
Join us in welcoming Meghan Kantke, Pat Mazorol, Bryan Moak, Paul Ocenasek, Judie Ritchie and Luke Trouten to our board of directors, along with incumbent members Terrance Rollerson and Mike Pehrson who were elected to serve an additional 3-year term.
Meghann Kantke is a Labor and Employment Law attorney at Gray Plant Mooty, lives in Robbinsdale and attends Christ Presbyterian Church with her husband and two sons.
Pat Mazorol is an attorney and recently retired as Sr VP of University Relations at Bethel University. He lives in Eden Prairie and attends Wooddale Church with his wife.
Rev. Bryan Moak is Executive Pastor at Hillside Church in Bloomington, and has serve as Executive, Worship and Children’s pastor in two previous congregations.
[/one_half] [one_half_last]Paul Ocenasek is a Senior Fund Manager at Thrivent Financial and serves as an elder at Grace Church where he attends with his wife and three sons.
Rev. Judie Ritchie is Associate Pastor for Care & Connecting at Hope Presbyterian Church in Richfield. She and her husband live in St. Paul.
Pastor Luke Trouten has served nearly 10 years as Youth Pastor at Northwood Church in Maple Grove. He and his wife live in Albertville.
Two incumbents re-elected to the board are Mike Pehrson and Rev. Terrance Rollerson.