A Call to Prayer for North Minneapolis

Monday, November 23rd, 7 PM
Shiloh Temple, 1201 W. Broadway Ave, Minneapolis
Participating ministries and prayer networks include:
- Shiloh Temple Int’l Ministries, Bishop Richard Howell, host
- Mission: St. Paul, Rev. Dr. Jim Olson, leader
- Redeeming Love Church, St. Paul, Rev. Mike Smith
- Hope United CDC, Rev. Richard Coleman, Executive Director
- Transform Minnesota, Carl Nelson, President
- M.A.R.C.H. Rev. Melanie Leehy, Executive Director
- Apostolic Prayer Network, Karen Krueger
- Evangelistic Crusaders Church, Rev. David Fronshoe
Several St. Paul ministerial groups and churches have asked to come and join their spirits in prayer with their sisters and brothers in Minneapolis. This call to prayer follows the final gathering of United in Freedom, a forum on race and reconciliation sponsored by the Bridge of Reconciliation and Transform MN, held at Shiloh Temple in North Minneapolis. One very practical and powerful response we can make to these recent events is to pray together in unity, calling upon our tender and tenacious God for mercy and justice.