Health Officials Brief Minnesota Church Leaders
Evangelical leaders were briefed by the Minnesota Department of Health and asked to suspend in-person worship gatherings.

The MN Department of Health briefed denominational leaders on March 17 to provide guidance on how churches should plan to respond to the Coronavirus emergency. Specifically, MDH urged churches that all in-person gatherings of more than 50 people should be cancelled for the next eight weeks. They also instructed that for the next 15 days, groups larger than 10 people not meet. These are the current guidelines provided by the CDC and the President’s Coronavirus Taskforce.
“We are calling on our leaders to work in harmony with local, state, and national government leaders to help slow the spread and flatten the curve…”
North Central District EFCA Superintendent Brian Farone said afterwards, “We are calling on our leaders to work in harmony with local, state, and national government leaders to help slow the spread and flatten the curve of the Coronavirus here in the US and across the globe.”
Answering questions after the briefing, MDH officials said they have “no reason to believe that it will be less than eight weeks” before normal worship gatherings can resume. In fact they cautioned that it could likely be longer.
After the briefing several evangelical leaders conferenced by video. While the weeks ahead will be difficult and unprecedented, those joining the call were encouraged by our hope in God’s compassion even in difficult times. Dan Scarrow leads the Christian & Missionary Alliance North Central District and said, “we are all in a rapid-learning posture and we believe God will sharpen the Church in some unexpected ways.”
“In every conversation I have with pastors and church leaders, I am encouraging them to remember that our God is faithful, compassionate, powerful, and good…”
Carl Nelson, President of Transform Minnesota, said, “I want to be on the lookout for the ways that congregational life is changed for the better,” as God uses this disruption to refine the practices of Western Christianity.
Resources for Churches:
MDH asked church leaders to encourage their congregations to rely on public health websites for the most reliable information.