May 11 TCAMP: Maximizing Short-term Missions Impact

Thursday, May 11
Noon – 1:30PM
Location: Evergreen Church – 2300 E 88th St, Bloomington, MN 55425

stm2In a week-long window, is it possible for a local church to have impact on a community in another nation? Amidst cultural adjustments and language barriers, how do we produce results that go beyond a feel-good mini vacation? Doing short-term missions well requires implementable standards, and while strategy may look different for each church, having realistic expectations of impact and outcome is essential.

Thursday, May 11 – noon-1:30, hear local missions leaders share their insights on how to maximize the impact of short-term missions.

Justin Mack is the Global Project Pastor at River Valley Church. Every month, River Valley sends short-term teams around the world to share the love of Jesus. River Valley currently supports more than 200 missionaries and organizations serving around the world but has a vision of sending 500 of their very own globally for at least one year.

Alison Goldhor is the Short-term Teams Administrator for Bethany International, a Christian missions training and sending organization based in Bloomington. Bethany sends both long-term missionaries and short-term teams, with the goal of using teams to give a helpful boost to the long-termers’ ministry. Alison has lived on four different continents and loves to give North Americans their first taste of cross-cultural ministry, which is often the first step towards a lifetime in missions.

stmWoody Roland is the Missions Pastor at Autumn Ridge Church in Rochester, MN. He has spent over 39 years in ministry, including 12 years as a missionary in Bolivia and 16 years in Central America, where he hosted numerous short-term teams. Over the years he has been privileged to minister in almost 60 countries.

Connect with other missions pastors, missionaries and leaders at the TCAMP mission leaders network gathering on Thursday, May 11 from noon-1:30. Our sessions are open to the public, and are “brown bag” lunch gatherings. Our host provides light refreshments.

August 21, 2012

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