
Sponsor: MissionShift Institute

What: The Twin Cities now have over 800,000 immigrants.  There is an exciting class to teach you practical skills to understand people of other cultures, the complexity of the metro area, and how to build the right sized ministry to them. Live out and share your faith! Listed in several college catalogs in the Twin Cities, but instead of costing $5,000 through them, take the course directly from us for $200 per semester!  CEUs available for teachers, nurses, etc.  Light on homework.  The class is where you learn.  Taught by dozens of Twin Cities leaders.

When: September 22, 2014 through May 11, 2015

Where: St. Paul Lutheran Evangelical Church

1901 Portland Ave S

Minneapolis, MN 55404

Price: $200/semester or what amount you can afford

For more information, send an email to office@missionshift.org or call 952-220-1315

April 10, 2013

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