September 14: Discipleship with Monday in Mind
Pastors & Ministry Leaders Seminar:
Discipleship with Monday in Mind
Wednesday, September 14 | 8AM – 1PM
Bethel University Underground
$39 registration fee
Presented by Bethel University, Bethel Seminary, MacLaurinCSF, Made to Flourish, and Thrivent Financial
Click here for registration information
Join fellow pastors and ministry leaders, along with pastor and author Tom Nelson, to explore the perils of the lack of faith, work, and economic integration in the life and mission of the local church. Gain a more robust theology of vocation, including increased competency in the fundamentals of economic theory, principles, and practice. Consider how an individual’s work fits into the interdependent and collaborative economic enterprise that furthers the common good and promotes human flourishing.Often what happens on a Sunday morning has little to no connection with the realities of the rest of our weeks and the work (paid or unpaid) that fills a majority of our time – at least if you’re not in a paid pastoral position in a local congregation. What is at stake in this gap between Sunday morning worship and Monday morning work?
Registration includes a breakfast buffet and lunch in the Bethel University Dining Center immediately following the event at Noon.
The event program begins at 9:00 am but registration opens at 8:00 am – come early to network with fellow pastors and ministry leaders.
About Our Guest Speaker
Dr. Tom Nelson is senior pastor of Christ Community Church and president of Made to Flourish: A Pastors’ Network for the Common Good. Tom also serves on the leadership team of the Oikonomia Network and has been a member of the Board of Regents of Trinity International University. He graduated with a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and received his doctorate from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Tom is the author of Five Smooth Stones: Discovering the Path to Wholeness of Soul, Ekklesia: Rediscovering God’s Design for the Churchand Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work. Tom and Liz, his bride of thirty-three years, have made Kansas City their home since 1988. They have two grown children and a new pup, Harley.
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