OneRace Training Helps Leaders Engage the Story of Race

Leaders learning about racial reconciliation with OneRace Movement.Transform Minnesota partnered with OneRace Movement last Thursday to host a Know. Own. Change. reconciliation leadership training for a room full of more than 75 pastors and ministry leaders at Mercy Vineyard Church. Josh Clemons, Executive Director of OneRace Movement, and Dan Crain, Director of Groups and Mobilization for OneRace, led participants through beginning to know, own, and change the story of race and racism in the United States.

Know the Story

Josh began the morning by demonstrating the need to have an accurate understanding of the story of race. Through an interactive exercise, participants reflected on and challenged the knowledge they received about race when they were growing up. Josh tied this exercise to an overview of broad racial injustice in American history. Through this, participants learned how past events affect the present, and how knowledge informs our understanding of race in America.

Own the Story

Dan continued the training by explaining the need to move beyond knowledge in the pursuit of reconciliation. “It’s one thing to be passionate about racial reconciliation. It’s quite another to fully enter into the story, allow God to transform you, gain the adequate knowledge and experience, and begin to live into changing the story.” Through the use of scripture and reflection on personal experience, Dan highlighted the need for cultural humility and the numerous steps necessary to own the story.

Change the Story

Josh and Dan concluded the training by covering several commitments that must be made when seeking the work of reconciliation. The ultimate goal is not to center ourselves on the work, but to be fueled by Christ. “We begin to esteem, and we’ll make social justice work or racial reconciliation work the goal, and not Jesus. Jesus is the goal, friends. A love for Jesus is the goal.”

“Don’t lose sight of the great reconciler. He’s the one that invited you to the conversation, he’s the one that will sustain you, and ultimately he’s the one that’s going to bring about transformation in this world.”

Participants relished the chance for group discussions throughout the day and welcomed the openness and vulnerability of the OneRace team. The participants also accepted the challenge to think critically about the Church’s role in racial reconciliation. “At the heart of racial reconciliation is the gospel,” noted Pastor Brian Kite of Shalom Community Church, “and OneRace is all about the gospel! Thank you for leading the way in this hard work. You are greatly appreciated!”

We look forward to continued learning opportunities with OneRace in the coming year through numerous Pastors’ Groups around the Twin Cities.

June 28, 2023
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