What Does the Gospel Say About Race and Racism?

In the summer of 2020, Transform Minnesota partnered with OneRace Atlanta, a gospel-centered reconciliation movement that exists to displace historic racism through prayer, relationship, equipping, mercy & justice.

One Race leans on four pillars; prayer, relationships, equipping, and mercy and justice. These pillars stand as the foundation for the work One Race does in the pursuit of reconciling all people. We have done several projects with OneRace over the last 18 months.

This week, the second class in a series of five, Reconciliation 201, is coming to a close! For four weeks attendees have been challenged to have a broader understanding of the history of racism in the United States and discuss how that affects the world today. One Race’s model for reconciliation is to “know the story, own the story and change the story.”

When asked about his experience throughout Reconciliation 201, Jot Turner responded by saying, “Living a transformed Christian life as a reconciler among all people is hard work. Reconciliation 201’s training and facilitated small group interaction are helping me grow in awareness of my own blind spots and gain understanding of different life experiences of others.”

We are looking forward to Reconciliation 301, early in the year 2022. We are deeply grateful for the relationships and learning opportunities that we have as a result of our partnership with One Race.

November 1, 2021
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