Pulse has released new details about their upcoming worship events at US Bank Stadium.
UNITE is gathering all churches, generations, and denominations together for two events that will have significant impact on the Twin Cities.
“Let’s be the first church event at US Bank Stadium. Let’s expand the Body of Christ as we reach the next generation,” encouraged Pastor Rob Ketterling, of River Valley Church.
“We believe every seat in this stadium should be filled. We believe every seat represents a soul who needs to have an encounter with the Lord,” said Nick Hall, founder and Chief Communicator for PULSE.
[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]Let’s be the first church event at US Bank Stadium.[/pullquote]The hope and prayer for PULSE’s two events is for revival and evangelism in America and in the Twin Cities.“We want this to be the largest prayer gathering and next generation-focused evangelistic outreach in major cities in decades,” said Hall.
Hall and Ketterling liken the weekend of events in May at US Bank Stadium to the Billy Graham Crusades in Minnesota in 1973 and 1996, and Promise Keepers at the Metrodome in 1995.
“In 1973 I was 7-years-old at a Billy Graham Crusade at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds when I gave my life to Jesus Christ. I want people to point to this stadium and say, ‘I gave my life to Jesus Christ at that stadium,’” said Ketterling.
[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]I want people to point to this stadium and say, ‘I gave my life to Jesus Christ at that stadium.[/pullquote]
[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]…we believe every seat represents a soul who needs to have an encounter with the Lord.[/pullquote]
What Ministry Leaders Are Saying:
[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]“This is going to be extraordinary. The worship is going to be majestic and wonderful at US Bank Stadium. If people come and get saved it will be worth every penny that’s been donated,” said Doneetsa Anderson, Director Joyful Harvest Prison Ministry.[/pullquote]
[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]“Our city of Hastings is already getting together once a year to pray on our local football field, so this would be cool to bring those high school football players to see something bigger. I’m excited to see the possibility of God drawing in thousands of teenagers into a stadium to see we’re not the only ones here,” said John Kimlinger, Youth Leaders at The Harbor Church in Hastings.[/pullquote]
[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]“This stadium is the new draw and will get people here. Instead of inviting people to the church building, let’s meet at a neutral ground and we’ll meet and talk there, and see what we can do for the next generation,” said Rev. Chris Monson, East Immanuel Church.[/pullquote]
[pullquote style=”left” quote=”dark”]“There is a Japanese expression that the first step to the church is too high. So this event provides a lower step to meet people where they are at, and to allow them to come to a place they are familiar with and are not intimidated by,” said Rev. Bob Burmeister, of North Heights Lutheran Church.[/pullquote]