Needed: Landscape Designer, Volunteer basis, April/May 2015
We are looking for a landscape designer, or someone with horticultural skills, to select plants, create a planting diagram and provide landscaping instructions to enhance the outside appearance of our Ministry Center in Richfield.
Needed: Landscaping Work Crew, 1-day volunteer project
To complete this project we need a work crew of 10 or more people to help us dig in new plants and spread mulch in landscaping beds surrounding our building. This is a 1-day project to be scheduled at your convenience prior to Memorial Day. (Planting diagram & instructions will be provided).

All of the overgrown and old foundation plantings surrounding the building were removed in the fall to be ready to install new plants this spring. Our desire is to have plants and landscape elements that compliment our building’s architectural style, and are relatively easy to maintain.
We have a modest budget to purchase plants and materials and will utilize a volunteer work crew to complete the installation. Our hope is to complete this project before Memorial Day.
To discuss helping us with this project, or to see diagrams and additional photos, contact Operations Director, Schelli Cronk at or call 612-746-5642.
Current Condition
Below are photos taken this spring after old plants and mulch have been removed.