Name Change Reflects Growing Partnership with Churches
World Relief Minnesota (WRM) announces that it will become Arrive Ministries. The name change more accurately reflects the organization’s relationship with local churches as they partner to serve refugees, immigrants and asylees who call Minnesota home.
Arrive Ministries has been an affiliate ministry of Transform Minnesota since 1988 and works with churches to provide essential services to refugees and their families upon arrival in Minnesota.

“Arrive Ministries has seen tremendous growth in the past two years,” said Carl Nelson, president of Transform Minnesota, a regional network of evangelicals. “Adopting this new name reflects its unique ministry of working with churches to welcome and bring lifelong transformation to refugees and immigrants in Minnesota.”
The mission of Arrive Ministries will stay the same, even though the name will change. The organization aims to carry out God’s command to welcome and bring lifelong gospel transformation to refugees and immigrants in Minnesota, and to see their lives positively changed economically, socially and spiritually.
Arrive Ministries will also continue to operate as an affiliate ministry of Transform Minnesota, and will maintain its long partnership with World Relief Corporation, the relief & development arm of the National Association of Evangelicals.
In recent years, Arrive Ministries has partnered with a growing number of churches in the Twin Cities and with the help of hundreds of volunteers, provides tutoring, English language training, resettlement support and friendship to refugees across the metro area and beyond.
“We’ve really seen a growth in the need for the services Arrive Ministries provides,” Nelson continued. “These services are essential to refugee families as they navigate within their new environment. Arrive Ministries works daily to empower local churches, faith communities and volunteers to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the lives of people from dozens of countries.”
Along with its partner churches, Arrive Ministries has resettled more than 700 refugees in the past two years; last August, it resettled its 9,000th refugee. There are currently more refugees in Minnesota per capita than in any other state in the U.S.
Arrive Ministries’ programs include: Refugee Resettlement Services; Refugee Life Ministries; Rajo Ministries; Somali Adult Literacy Training (SALT); Church Refugee Gardens, and Immigrant Legal Services.
The Star: to navigate (find the way home), used by wisemen to find Jesus
The Compass: Arrive Ministries is a “guiding compass” on the refugee’s journey
The Circle: A symbol of wholeness and our holistic approach
Minnesota: The star of the north (yellow) where our new neighbors find peace, stability and friendship
Arrive Ministries is an affiliate of Transform Minnesota, an evangelical network of churches from across the state.
For more information about Arrive Ministries, visit: