Daily Archives: September 14, 2017

Pastor’s Column: How the Church Can Respond to the Nations at Our Doorsteps

How the Church Can Respond to the Nations at Our Doorsteps? “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner among you must be treated as your native-born.” (Lev. 19:33) Arrive Ministries Executive Director Bob Oehrig offers some loving ways of how individual Christ-followers and our congregations can respond to our new neighbors, as such groups as Burmese, Iraqis, Ethiopians, Nepalese, Somalis and Liberians now join our children in schools and in our communities. Oehrig also shares practical examples of how Churches can partner with Arrive Ministries' programs to reach out with friendship and practical service, as we follow Jesus' command to “love the stranger."
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