For board and internal review only.


As an evangelical network centered on Jesus Christ, we value:


  1. The Bible as the authoritative word of God that guides us in all areas of faith and living.
  2. Local Churches as God’s chosen plan for Christian community and spread the good news of Jesus.
  3. Unity in the Church and among Christians, centered on Jesus, and characterized by loving relationships with one another.
  4. Evangelism, extending the Gospel of Jesus and his kingdom.
  5. Redemption, healing and new beginnings made possible through Jesus Christ.
  6. Reconciliation of people to right relationship with God and each other.
  7. Mercy, following the example of Jesus by showing compassion towards those who suffer or are less fortunate than ourselves.
  8. Family as the central relationship in God’s vision for human society and nurturing of children, and marriage between a mother and father as the primary institution for creating families.
  9. Life, from conception to a natural death, and the intrinsic value of every human created in the image of God.
  10. Religious Freedom and liberty of conscience for all people as a fundamental human right.
  11. Engaged with culture to influence society in ways that reflect God’s character.



June 17, 2015

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