Sankofa at Home

What is Sankofa @ Home?

Since 2017, Transform Minnesota has facilitated multiple Sankofa trips to the Southeastern United States. These trips are designed as a spiritual journey or pilgrimage through the history of slavery and civil rights in America.

While there is much to be learned throughout the Southeast, the practice of Sankofa does not need to be limited to these trips. There is much we can learn from the history of race and racism embedded in the foundation of our own state.

With this in mind, we are creating a series of posts we’re calling Sankofa @ Home.

Sankofa @ Home provides an opportunity to experience a self-guided exploration of locations that speak to different aspects of this history. Each post will provide information about at least one location you can visit, along with additional resources you can interact with. 

New posts added monthly! Follow us on social media pages or subscribe to our eNewsletter to stay up to date on each installment!

Post Archive

October 2023: Introduction/MAAHMG

November 2023: Fort Snelling at Bdote

December 2023: Reconciliation Park/U.S.-Dakota War of 1862

January 2024: Arthur and Edith Lee House/Housing Covenants

February 2024: Rondo Commemorative Plaza

March 2024: Historic Black Churches

April 2024: Traverse des Sioux

May 2024: George Floyd Square

October 13, 2023
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