Train leaders to meet the unique needs of faith-based nonprofits.


Transform Minnesota seeks to extend resources and opportunities to our network of faith-based nonprofits, ministries, businesses, and universities. The various services administered by nonprofits provide a means for the Gospel to be engaged and spread throughout the state.

We provide training opportunities for leadership and structural development, in order for nonprofit partners and leaders to learn and collaborate for evangelical ministry.

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Ministry Equip Upcoming Events


Ministry Equip Previous Events

Law Changes Still Affecting Employers

Churches and ministries need to continue preparing as the implementation of multiple employment law changes nears.

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Employment Law Changes Affecting Churches

Minnesota Employment Law Changes webinar provides nuanced explanations for why some regulations now apply to religious organizations and churches.

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Employee Classification: Simplified

On February 27th, Transform Minnesota hosted a Ministry Equip with Virginia Cronin, who spoke to a full room on the importance and nuance of properly classifying employees.

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Practical Approaches to Conflict Resolution

“Conflict resolution skills are the final result of years of effort combined with the experience of application”; in other words—we frequently miss the mark and it takes time.

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