Damascus Way: Innovation and Expansion
Despite this year’s uncertainty, our mission at Damascus Way remains the same. We are determined to continue providing reentry leadership and services using a Christ-centered approach. Since I joined this amazing team as Executive Director six months ago, we have made significant progress in sustaining our mission. We have also taken this time to create social media platforms that speak to some of the latest law enforcement and criminal reform policies. We have hired additional staff and initiated excellent programming that we trust will be transformational and continue to counter recidivism.
In December, we began construction on a new Golden Valley facility. This new 30-bed facility will accommodate our efforts to provide for our residents and is scheduled to be fully operational by October 1st, 2020. Our programming at this new facility will focus on the greatest defined needs of those reentering society after incarceration including access to housing and employment services. We will also continue to emphasize how to practically be involved in healthy communities. We are thankful to have leveraged funding from the Olmsted County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA). This support has allowed us to remodel our five-unit apartment
building in Rochester. One of our future dreams is to develop a ‘First Time Home Buyers Program’, which would allow those who are often significantly underrepresented an opportunity to create wealth through the vehicle of home ownership.
As soon as new residents enter Damascus Way, we would love to start providing them with a welcome kit. We aim to serve 225 men between our two locations each year. Meeting this need is a tangible way you or your church can support our ministry! Please click here for a list of items we are requesting. These items can be dropped off either at 1515 E. 66th Street (Richfield) (M – Th; 9-3) or 2118 Campus Drive SE-Door K (Rochester). Items should be clearly marked for Damascus Way. Additionally, we need help with construction and home improvement projects at our new Golden Valley location. For example, we are looking to build closets. If you are interested in learning more, or know of furniture suppliers/outlets that can help us furnish the new space, please contact Becky at becky@transformmn.org. To learn more about additional opportunities to become involved with Damascus Way, please visit www.damascusway.com.
Tierre A. Webster
Executive Director