Evangelicals Willing to Pray with Non-Christians

Some may criticize public prayers with non-Christians but most leaders are willing to do so.

Sometimes evangelical Christians question whether their leaders should participate in public prayers with leaders of other faiths. However a recent poll of evangelical leaders by the NAE reported that 59% said they are willing to pray in public with non-Christians, and the remaining 41% are open to doing so but that their participation would depend upon the specific invitation.

While all of the leaders were willing to consider these invitations, many of them added that they would only do so if they were allowed the freedom to truthfully pray in Jesus’ name.

“When I’ve been invited to pray in public with non-Christian leaders I pray in the name of Jesus, and I am respectful of the faith of others. I do so grateful for the religious freedom to pray openly according to my beliefs,” said Carl Nelson, President of Transform Minnesota.

“They believe in the importance of Christian prayer more than they worry about being misunderstood,” said NAE President Leith Anderson in the survey report, explaining why he believes evangelical leaders are willing to be seen praying alongside non-Chrisitan leaders in public events. Mitch Hescox, one of the leaders surved said, “praying publicly with non-Christians represents a wonderful way to witness to the gospel and share Jesus’ love for all the world.”

Click here to read more about this survey.



March 3, 2015

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