Twin Cities Area Mission Professionals network gathering
NOTICE: today’s event is OVERFULL!
11 am – 1 pm @ North Central University
[message type=”info” width=”50%” align=”right”]Due to a death in his family, our main presenter had to travel overseas and cannot participate as originally planned. Fortunately TCAMP is able to join Dr. Bob Brenneman at NCU for a panel discussion on the same topic also featuring an excellent line-up of first-hand observers. [/message]Updated September 11 TCAMP Information
The New Militant Islamism: Panel discussion with Middle Eastern Christians.
Hear reports from Father Jacob Zaki (St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church, St. Paul), “Ranger”, an Iraqi Kurdish businessman from Mosul (featured recently in Pioneer Press), and “M”, the head of an NGO who has just returned from Afghanistan and Iraq. Also attending will be a missionary just returned from Syria and a high-level US military translator.
Dr. Bob Brenneman has lived and worked with Kurds in Iraq and Turkey for more than 30 years. He will facilitate the panel discussion and lead a time of prayer for Christians in the Middle East.
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014
Time: 11 am – 1:00
Place: North Central University, RM# CLC 203 (Campus Map) 14th & Elliot Ave.
Lunch: NCU can provide a $5 meal but an RSVP is necessary by Tuesday, Sept. 9 in order to purchase the meal. (RSVP with number of meals requested to Katy Wehr at or call 612-343-4767).
You are also welcome to bring your own “brown bag” lunch and drinks. (Additional drinks not provided without meal purchase).
Parking: Campus parking is very limited and you will likely need to use paid parking. However, NCU has provided a special parking pass (download here) for those who are able to find an empty space in one of their lots.
Nearby pay-to-park lots are:
– Imperial Parking, 900 Centennial Avenue ($3.50 per hour)
– Allied Parking, 800 S. 9th street ($8.00 for 24 hours)
– HCMC Ramp, South 7th St. and Park Avenue ($8.00 for 24 hours
Learn more about TCAMP at