Monthly Archives: November 2015

United in Freedom: Community and Confession

in News. Posted November 24, 2015
In our third part of United in Freedom, we took a look at how community and relationships are key to overcoming racial division in the body of Christ. The floor was opened up for public confession. Participants worshiped together through singing and holding hands, making promises starting with “I will…”
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“Youth These Days” Blog Series: The Best Way to Replenish a Weary Youth Worker’s Soul

Youth ministry training conferences and seminars have their place as a tool to motivate and encourage youth workers. In our fourth and final part of our "Youth These Days" blog series, Darrin Geier of Woodbury Community Church encourages youth ministry workers during a season of emptiness or depletion, not to get sidetracked by depending on flashy conferences and speakers to fill them up, but to turn to God’s Word, the Bible.
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United in Freedom: Belovedness Feat. Rev. Efrem Smith

Rev. Efrem Smith shared on Belovedness at our United in Freedom Session B on November 3, 2015 at Shiloh Temple International Ministries. Listen to a podcast or read a summary of how Rev. Smith offered a theological and biblical framework for advancing the Kingdom of God and being agents of transformation within the reality of the constructs of race and its impact in our communities.
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