Why Do We Need Political Theology?
Five reasons why understanding political theology is not only beneficial, but essential, to Christian life.
Building an Intentional Political Theology
Dr. Daniel Lee Hill kicked off the Beyond Voting series by discussing the ways political theology shapes Christian political engagement.
Three Resources for Reaching the Dechurched
Check out these resources to help your church navigate change and develop ways to reach the dechurched around you!
Navigating Change in the Great Dechurching
Jim Davis, co-author of The Great Dechurching, joined us to discuss "the largest religious shift in American history."
Renewing our Public Witness with Civic Revival
More than 250 leaders learned new ways to approach the election cycle through Civic Revival and the Church Politics podcast.
A Call to Restore Religious Exemption to Minnesota Law
Pastors have signed on to a call for the restoration of a religious exemption to the Minnesota Human Rights Act
Building a Community of Belonging in the Church
Pastors and leaders worked to understand sexuality and gender beyond personal identity and learned more about fostering belonging in churches
Sankofa Reflection 2023: Go Back and Get What?!
Jon Willis reflects on continuing to go back with Sankofa and the new personal understanding he took from this trip.
Sankofa Reflection 2023: I'm Responsible
Pastor Carleigh McCormick discusses the feelings of responsibility that came from in-person interaction with the past during Sankofa.
Sankofa Reflection 2023: Learning From the Past
Bishop David E. Johnson reflects on the platform Sankofa provides to confront painful historical truths and work toward a more just future.
Posture Shift Brings Model of Inclusion
Two Posture Shift Intensive Courses offered participants a model for inclusion and care of LGBT+ individuals within their ministries.
Sankofa Reflection 2023: Following the Thread
Shani Johnson reflects on her experience of following the thread of history through the 2023 Sankofa journey.
Sankofa at Home
Join us for a self-guided trip through sites related to the history or race and racism in Minnesota with Sankofa @ Home!
Law Changes Still Affecting Employers
Churches and ministries need to continue preparing as the implementation of multiple employment law changes nears.
Answering the Questions of Each Generation
Rev. Dr. James Choung provided insight on ways to reach different generations with the message of the Gospel.
Building a Culture of Formation
Dr. Walter Kim encouraged leaders to adopt a comprehensive Gospel that promotes formation and cultural flourishing.
Racial Justice Resources and Resolutions
Select resources from past speakers for further education and awareness on the topic of racial justice and reconciliation.
The Effective End of Affirmative Action
The work to address historic injustice in education continues as affirmative action programs are effectively ended.
OneRace Training Helps Leaders Engage the Story of Race
Training with OneRace Movement helped participants begin to know, own, and change the story of race and racism in the United States.
Employment Law Changes Affecting Churches
Minnesota Employment Law Changes webinar provides nuanced explanations for why some regulations now apply to religious organizations and churches.