Pastor’s Column ( Page 8 )

Pastor’s Column: Stepping Out of Racially Isolated Christian Spaces

Dr. Keith Stanley Brooks is currently the Dean of Academic Foundations at Minneapolis Community & Technical College. Periodically with Chosen Path Consulting Brooks also shares his expertise as an author, facilitator (educational leadership, intercultural competence, goal-driven staff development) and inspirational keynote speaker. Brooks is also an ordained Elder at the Holy Christian Church.
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Pastor’s Column: The Lament of Nehemiah – Rebuilding Education in our City

Russ Gregg, Head of School at Hope Academy writes that the mis­education of inner city youth is one of the most critical social justice issues of our day. Too many inner-city children are growing up in traumatic and impoverished homes that will sadly go on reproducing themselves for generations. Gregg writes about how the educational situation in the inner-city is desperate, but it is not hopeless. He encourages us to pray like Nehemiah, be moved to tears like Nehemiah and intervene like Nehemiah; knowing there is hope in returning to the Almighty God.
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Pastor’s Column: The Evangelical Season of Advent

Advent is a season of mournful longing and anticipation. But as Pastor Jason Meyer of Bethlehem Baptist shares, Advent should be one of the most evangelistic seasons of the church calendar. Some people come to church only twice a year (Christmas and Easter). Rather than criticize them, let’s capitalize on this willingness, by focusing church messages on the gospel; repent and believe.
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Pastor’s Column: Becoming a Volunteer Church

Church leaders are exhausted by the lack of volunteer help. Volunteers are vital to creating growth and new ministries, and are the key to introducing youth and children to Jesus Christ. Under the leadership of Jill Fox, Wooddale Church's volunteer program boasted 3,000+ participants. In our Pastor's Column, Jill writes about how to mobilize the church’s most vital workforce, volunteers.
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Pastor’s Column: A Year with “The Story”

Every year church leaders have many programs pitched at them. It is easy to become jaded about “the next big thing” sweeping across the church. David Lens, Lead Pastor of Hope Church in Richfield wondered if "The Story" was just another over-hyped program to avoid. But after careful research and receiving multiple recommendations Hope Church decided to take the plunge with "The Story." Read why they are so glad they did!
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