How does understanding biblical justice help us pursue racial reconciliation?
How does engaging in biblical justice help us pursue racial reconciliation?
How does understanding white privilege help us pursue racial reconciliation?
How does understanding white privilege help us pursue racial reconciliation?
How does understanding white privilege help us pursue racial reconciliation?
How does leveraging our power, position and privilege help us pursue racial reconciliation?
How does our understanding of fear and comfort help us pursue racial reconciliation?
How does addressing the question 'where do we go from here?' help us pursue racial reconciliation?
How does removing confederate statues help us pursue racial reconciliation?
How does understanding Critical Race Theory help us pursue racial reconciliation?
Dr. Ed Uszynski meets with Transform Minnesota's COO, Schelli Cronk, for an in-depth conversation on Critical Theory and Critical Race Theory.
How does understanding white cultural identity help us pursue racial reconciliation?
Kaycee Stanley shares how the Church can be involved in foster care and adoption.
Cherilyn Holloway meets with Transform Minnesota's COO, Schelli Cronk, for an in-depth conversation on systemic racism and abortion.
How does understanding white normativity help us pursue racial reconciliation?