HOLY SEXUALITY LEADERS FORUM An interactive forum on faith, sexuality, and gender guided by theological faithfulness and love. «REGISTRATION OPENS SEPTEMBER 5th» The Holy Sexuality Leaders Forum engages questions of faith, sexuality & gender in the Church. Equipping ...
SOLD OUT! Employee handbooks or Policy Manuals are useful tools that help an employer assure consistency, fairness, and clarity in dealing with employees...
Transform Minnesota is thrilled to announce Reexamining Sexuality – Reformatted! In August we will present Reexamining Sexuality in a one day conference.
Join Transform Minnesota for an evening to honor educators across the Twin Cities, and hear a story of true inspiration, heartbreak, perseverance and the power of love.
This Holy Sexuality: Engaging Questions evening seminar with Dr. Preston Sprinkle is a great place for Christians with LGBT loved ones to learn how to build and maintain a Christ-like relationship.
The Holy Sexuality Leaders Forum engages questions of faith, sexuality & gender in the Church. Equipping Christian pastors and church leaders in the LGBT+ conversation.
Join River Valley Pastor, Kirk Graham, as he leads Pastors in an honest and encouraging discussion about how to diagnose the current cultural state of your church.