During the United in Freedom workshop in the fall of 2015, we took a look at how community and relationships are key to overcoming racial division in the body of Christ. The floor was opened up for public confession. Participants worshiped together through singing and holding hands, making promises starting with “I will…”
Faith-based nonprofits often have a lot of heart and passion to do good works for the Kingdom of God; but their leaders can find they are lacking resources and time to think about the bigger picture. Transform Minnesota launched a new initiative in 2015, aimed at equipping nonprofits for evangelical ministry, called Ministry Equip.
In order for your compelling mission to be heard by donors, clients, and the public, you must have an effective communication strategy. It's importance that your organization understands its "WHY" mission.
On March 17, 2016, Transform Minnesota hosted a training at Gray Plant Mooty Law Firm on employment legal standards for faith-based organizations, churches and businesses. Esteemed attorneys Sam Diehl, Principal at GPM and Meghann Kantke, Associate at GPM, as well as a Transform Minnesota board member, shared what the legal landscape of religious organizations is like in today’s world.
In early April, 2016 Transform Minnesota and Bethel University hosted a church summit called “Holy Sexuality in Today’s Society.” Our Holy Sexuality in Today’s World Church Summit was so popular at Bethel University, it reached capacity, so we hosted a second summit in Cambridge, MN and had over 100 attendees. Evangelical scholar and psychologist from Regent University, Mark Yarhouse presented on how to unpack LGBTQ, how to understand gender dysphoria in our culture, and sexual identity from a Christian perspective. Biblical scholar Dr. Paul Eddy of Bethel University, presented on the Biblical theology of human sexuality, and the emphasis God puts on covenant relationships.
Fundraising needs to be a proclamation that our loving God is in our midst, that His Spirit is moving to accomplish this plan, and that we get to be participants with Him. We invite people, and give them the opportunity to become a part of this movement that God is doing in our midst.
A coalition of African American churches launched a grand endeavor on Thursday June 16, 2016 to combat gang violence and high unemployment rates in the black community. At a press conference, dozens of faith leaders in the African American community committed $100,000 to employ youth workers to intervene at the street level, recruit job coaches, and train leaders in trauma and mental health services.
It was standing room only at a community prayer service on Monday July 11, 2016, at Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Minneapolis, in response to a week of deadly violence in our community and nation. More than 500 people came before God as a unified Body of Christ to lament, pray for peace, and to seek hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Rev. Billy Russell of Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church and Rev. Jason Meyer of Bethlehem Baptist Church called for a night of prayer and unity that resonated with many in our Christian community which can so often feel divided based on denomination, race, creed, age, gender or neighborhood affiliation.
Dr. Paul Eddy defines covenant as a committed, community-based, kinship-creating, agape love relationship. But he says it can be simplified down to two simple words: love formalized. Dr. Eddy believes studying covenants gives believers a better sense of God’s heart for how He shapes relationships. At his Covenantal Theology training at City Church on July 13, Dr. Eddy shared how we can improve our marriages by accurately viewing them as Kingdom-oriented covenants. Through that Kingdom-oriented lens, sex within a male-female marriage becomes the sign of the covenant. He urged church leaders to teach Kingdom Marriages, that put the Kingdom community and the imaging of the triune God at the center of it.
Kimberly Stewart, Eagle Brook Church’s Executive Director of Development, taught a seminar on Engaging Financial Leaders in August 2016. She taught that, believe it or not, affluence is often a burden, and many with it are unsure of how to steward their wealth.
5 Tips to Being More Effective and Efficient with Email from our Ministry Equip training with Audrey Thomas in November 2016.
A newly-launched Super Run 5k walk/run in Minneapolis is responding to the harsh reality of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation that is happening on our streets EVERY DAY - and as law enforcement prepares to see a surge in sex trafficking coming to our city on Super Bowl weekend 2018. Led by a group of churches, ministries, organizations and businesses, the Off the Streets Super Run is planned for the Saturday before Super Bowl LI in 2017 and Super Bowl LII in 2018, held in Minneapolis.
Quint and Rachel Alfors wanted to leave a legacy that outlasted their own lifetime. As the founders of our organization, Quint and Rachel Alfors encouraged giving at every turn; while Quint was President of GMAE he helped set-up a generous endowment for the future of our organization. The Alfors personally walked the talk, giving of their time and money, and they had the foresight to included Transform Minnesota in their planned giving. Even when times were tough, they modeled generosity in all stages of life; while working in ministry, in retirement, and while planning for a legacy after their own deaths. Through Quint and Rachel’s lifetime of ministry work and their generous financial contributions, the Alfors leave behind a Christ-honoring legacy at Transform Minnesota.
As we celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, we encourage all evangelical Christians to reflect on the breadth of reforms in Christian teaching and practices that followed Luther’s bold actions. By nailing his 95 theses to the university door, Luther found himself leading a movement to reform the way Christians viewed salvation, scripture, and their relationship with God. Many of the beliefs and practices evangelicals revere in worship and prayer are a direct result of the Spirit-inspired revisions Martin Luther brought before the Roman Catholic Church in 1517.
Transform Minnesota calls upon President Trump to lift the ban on U.S. refugee admissions. The spirit of this Executive Order is based on fears that originate from incorrect facts about refugees, and is an action that runs contrary to our Christian moral imperative to shelter those fleeing violence and persecution. Among Transform Minnesota’s core values are the Sanctity of Life, Religious Freedom, and Mercy. These values, drawn from our evangelical faith and belief in the Bible, compel us to offer refuge to those who are suffering the most, to vigilantly defend each other’s religious freedom, and to protect the lives of refugees who are made in the image of God. We stand with refugees because God commands us to love, welcome and seek justice for refugees and other immigrants.
Alisha Cora Soule taught a packed-out room full of nonprofit leaders in January, 2017 on how to Find Funding and navigate the landscape of grants in the U.S. and Minnesota. Soule is currently the Director of Grants and Strategic Projects for the University of Northwestern St. Paul. Read more on how to find private funding, the components of a grant, and how to position your faith-based organization for Christian funding and secular funding.
Nik and Ruth Ripken wowed 165 attendees at Transform Minnesota’s February Insanity of God conference. The sold-out 2-day conference at Celebration Church, Lakeville equipped those in cross-cultural ministry, by emphasizing the call of suffering on the mission field, whether in a participants’ own community or overseas in a persecuted region. Through their extensive travels, the Ripkens have absorbed invaluable lessons from over 600 believers in persecuted situations. Much of what they shared at the conference was communicated from the lessons the Ripkens gleaned from their work with the persecuted church. Read what some participants said about the powerful, practical, Biblical and affirming lessons taught by the Ripkens.
As we seek to understand how Christians are called to welcome the alien in our midst at our March 2, 2017 Standing with Refugees event; be confident in our country’s screening process, knowing that refugees are subject to the highest level of security checks of anybody who travels to the United States. But also put your confidence in God’s calling on our lives to remember our ancestors who were once foreigners (found as the Hebrew word GER in the Old Testament), and to show hospitality to the stranger (hospitality is a Greek compound word of phileo and xenia, meaning love of stranger found in the New Testament).
On March 11, 2017 a leadership conference for rural and small town churches called Grow! was held at Cornerstone Church in Litchfield, MN. Over 300 pastors and ministry leaders from across the Midwest attended the inaugural conference designed to provide church leaders information on how to minister effectively, encourage them to see their unique role in God's plan, and help them take the steps that can impact their world for all of eternity. Included is a Q & A with some Grow Conference participants engaged in rural ministry in the Midwest.
Nearly 50 years after Dr. King’s assassination, 30 Twin Cities pastors kept Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream alive through Sankofa: Journey to Harmony. Sankofa is a Ghanaian phrase that translates as “go back and get it.” Our Journey to Harmony encouraged participants to go back and face our country’s roots in order to move forward.
Summer is quickly approaching. Does your church struggle to plan a week-long kids Vacation Bible School? Is recruiting volunteers a major headache? A traveling VBS is making stops all across the state, helping churches put on a high-energy, Gospel-focused summer day camp.Trout Lake Day Camps are open to all churches and denominations, and they still have some open weeks if your church is in need of a ready-made VBS program.
God is moving at the Shakopee Women’s Prison in powerful ways. Prison Ministry volunteers can attest to it: "I believe God is creating a revival inside the Shakopee Women’s Prison." Estimates are that over 350 women have been baptized inside the prison since baptism services started being offered a few years back. But it’s not a one-time event. Volunteers from churches and evangelical ministries are a constant presence inside the prison walls, church attendance has sky-rocketed, and the Shakopee Women’s Prison is one of the first prisons in the world to allow a weekly Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class inside for meetings. Evangelical prison ministry groups believe God has big plans for these inmates after they're released.
On April 19, 2017 at our “Design for Non-Designers” training, Jordan Sundberg, graphic designer and owner of Tin Cup Design in Duluth, MN shared her expertise on how new designers can start generating ideas and the importance of creating a concept.
In April, 2017 we launched a series of forums called Transform Ideas; conversations to help Christians explore biblical perspectives on important cultural issues. The theme for our first Transform Ideas forum was the Timeless Call for Racial Harmony held on April 27, 2017 at Hope Community Church. Four local speakers addressed 225 audience members with ideas relating to both our nation's history of racism and our present day reality of racial disparities in the Twin Cities. Our hope for The Timeless Call for Racial Harmony is to help Christians explore how they can pursue racial harmony, help rebuild, repair and find redemption from America’s sin of racism.
There is no earthly justice that will bring back the life of Philando Castille. The world seeks justice as best it can, but even the world’s justice can’t turn back the clock and bring Castile back to life, or allow Officer Jeronimo Yanez to double check his instinctive reaction.
How do short-term missions trips produce results that go beyond a feel-good mini vacation? We asked a panel of missions pastors/administrators to share their best practices in crafting valuable and effective short-term missions trips. Find out how to honor the mutually beneficial nature of the church/missionary partnership. How dreaming big resulted in a 9,000% growth in missions giving at one church. And why it's best to seek out invitations from long-term missionaries before planning a trip.
The hard-working hands of more than 19,000 volunteers packed meals for four-days leading to the most meals ever packed at one time in the state of Minnesota. Nearly 5 million meals are being shipped to the famine and drought impacted land of Somalia, due to a joint-faith effort between Christians and Muslims that was dreamed up and executed in just eight short-weeks. Together the group named, “Love Somalia,” inspired tens of thousands of volunteers to descend on the St. Paul River Centre from June 2-5, 2017.
There is a growing movement within the local Christian Church for families to support foster care and love on vulnerable children. In large part, the trend is due to a growing realization that there are modern-day orphans living in Minnesota. Many advocates for vulnerable children in the Christian community believe the Church finally is heeding its call to care for orphans, by attempting to care for the 1,700 Minnesota children who are wards of the state. Read how some churches and faith-based organizations are working to tackle Minnesota's foster care crisis. Plus resources on how best to respond to this growing need.
Transform Minnesota is launching its generosity initiative to help build healthy churches across the state. We are happy to announce Thrivent as our official generosity partner. Our two organizations are collaborating around generosity, by hosting an Evangelical Leaders Forum on October 5, 2017 called, “Daring Generosity.” This free pastors’ luncheon will be held at Grace Church and will equip pastors and lay leaders in how to dare your church to be generous; while gaining tools to help church bodies experience the health of abundant generosity.
As evangelical Christians in Minnesota we denounce the attack on Dar Al-Farooq Mosque in Bloomington and pray that the perpetrator will be quickly found and brought to justice. When one place of worship is attacked, all of our houses of worship are threatened. And so as evangelical Christians we stand with Minnesota Muslims to denounce this attack.
On July 19, 2017 Transform Minnesota hosted 140 people at Wooddale Church for a seminar called “Uncovering Hidden Shame,” offering resources and expertise on the slippery slope of sin that leads to prostitution, the spiritual dimension of treating sexual addiction, and why evangelical Christians need to develop a theology of healthy sexuality in church. As many churches work to ramp up anti-trafficking efforts, make your church a place of restoration and redemption. We believe churches should resource and help restore men and women involved in sexual addiction, prostitution and pornography.
On September 10, 2017 Bishop Richard Howell Jr., of Shiloh Temple International Ministries and Pastor Matthew St. John of New Hope Church hosted ‘Harmony: An Evening of Restorative Worship’ at Shiloh. The intent in gathering was both to highlight the previous 2017 Sankofa Journey in February and the fruit that has since developed. This week, eighteen pastors from the trip gathered with members of the community for an evening of fellowship, unity, and a shared joy in the Lord.
While we have seen a lot of support for refugees from evangelical grassroots and national leaders in recent months, others are asking important questions about the safety of refugees coming to America. We encourage you to use the following information to talk with fellow Christians about the real fears that some people have. It's important to our Gospel witness that Christians are seen as people motivated by the Bible and credible information.
Carl Nelson writes, "Prayer seems inadequate. But that's how Christians instinctively respond to a Father who loves us."
On September 28, 2017 our second Transform Ideas forum focused on considering our biblical responsibility to care for the poor and vulnerable who often suffer the most from weather extremes. Over 220 people from the Metro and St. Cloud area attended to learn how they might become better stewards of creation, be equipped as thoughtful citizens of the Kingdom, and love their brothers and sisters in need around the world.
On October 5, 2017, Transform Minnesota hosted 'Daring Generosity': a pastor's luncheon at Grace Church in Eden Prairie. Designed to help churches establish a culture of generosity President of Transform Minnesota: Carl Nelson, CEO of Thrivent Financial: Brad Hewitt, and Lead Pastor at River Valley Church, Rob Ketterling, joined in presentation on the heart and spirit behind giving.
At our Ministry Equip training on November 9, 2017, attorney Julie Fisk shared her insights on how to best approach staff concerns or disciplinary issues within a non-profit faith based ministry. To help encourage healthy organizational accountability and growth, Fisk shared with local faith-based non-profit leadership shared some of the most effective strategies for managing and documenting the employee discipline process. She highlighted honesty, communication and intentional feedback, equipping those present to invest in lawful awareness and "keep your legal ducks in a row."
On October 28, 2017, Calvary Community church in St. Cloud hosted a one-day conference on how the church can better engage and love our Somali neighbors. The event was a collaborative effort between Transform Minnesota, Arrive Ministries, and the St. Cloud Evangelical Network for Transformation (SENT Network). Through various panel discussions and seminars, those present heard from a wide variety of individuals involved.
Church leaders are double checking their security plans. Besides learning from other churches and seeking advice from law enforcement, many church insurers will help their clients create plans.
While the vast majority of America’s land space is rural and a surprising number of ministry leaders in America have “served time” in rural churches, knowledge, vision and leadership for rural ministry is often overlooked in light of the need to reach the densely populated urban centers and suburban communities. The realities of poverty and isolation are closer to the truth of what the average small town community experiences today. Read more about how to grow and sustain a thriving rural church, and learn about a unique ministry opportunity, the Grow! Leadership Conference coming to Willmar, MN in March, 2018.
The largest predominantly African American denomination in the U.S. is bringing upwards of 30,000 people to Minneapolis over Labor Day week 2018 for their Annual Session, to be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Organizers say expect the cities to be swarming labor day weekend as delegates arrive early to shop and site-see. The convention’s presence will be felt across the entire city of Minneapolis, with plans to do evangelism, crime prevention, employment outreach, and opportunities to serve the homeless. The week will offer high energy praise and worship with reputable speakers. The general public is invited to attend the National Baptist Convention, USA Annual Session.
On January 24, 2018, a Crisis and Security Summit was held by AM 980 The Mission in Bloomington. This event was designed to help churches assess if they are prepared in the event of a crisis. Learn the warning signals before an act of violence is committed, how to protect your organization from a cyber attack, how to take advantage of current notification infrastructures during emergency situations, and ways to protect your organization from the increasing trend of mass shootings.
We are proud Carl Nelson, President of Transform Minnesota joins 1,200 church leaders from all 50 states in sending this letter to President Donald J. Trump and Members of Congress urging action to help vulnerable immigrants and to stand with refugees. This letter was published on the back page of the Washington Post's front section.
The Super Bowl has come and gone. Unfortunately, so has much of the hype surrounding anti-trafficking efforts in our community. So, we at Transform Minnesota are calling on churches and faith leaders to continue in the fight against sex trafficking in our communities. By harnessing the momentum of the Super Bowl in Minneapolis, we hope churches will launch this anti-trafficking movement forward, to have long-term impact on the lives of rescued victims, and in the restoration of local perpetrators.
We mourn the loss of Rev. Billy Graham while we celebrate his legacy and great influence in spreading the message and hope of Jesus Christ all over the world, especially right here in Minnesota. Graham was monumental in shaping the evangelical landscape of Minnesota through launching a Christian radio station, leading a local Christian University, founding the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association - long headquartered in Minneapolis, and leading four life-changing crusades in the Twin Cities. Rev. Graham's preaching about Christ’s free gift of salvation will continue to be spread for generations to come. We, at Transform Minnesota, are grateful for the life of Rev. Billy Graham, for his leadership, vision, faith and most importantly love of Jesus and others that he so freely shared with the world.
“Typically people want to engage this trafficking problem in a really visibly meaningful way. They want to give themselves something to assess, report, measure, like recovering victims or mentoring victims. The problem with that thinking is that it generally means people want to be involved in the knee-deep place of pulling victims out of sex trafficking. Think about how impractical most of that work is for the majority of people," said Sgt. Grant Snyder of the Minneapolis Police Department’s Human Trafficking task force. Sgt. Snyder shared some assessment tools in how to best help in anti-trafficking efforts, including the importance of prayer and prevention work.
275 rural pastors attended the Grow Conference in Willmar, MN on March 3, 2018, hailing from a span of 800 miles across the Midwest. The Grow! Conference was led by a diverse array of denominations, church leaders, and speakers which evoked a unifying spirit in Christ. With a focus on the unique rural experience and how to whole-heartedly embrace the place God has called them, participants said the content was invaluable. Through Grow! we aim to encourage rural church leaders that God is with them and He will give them what they need to share His love and message to their small town.
4 Questions to Ask Ourselves Before We Start Doing Anti-Trafficking Justice Work. This list was presented by Sgt. Grant Snyder, of the Minneapolis Police Department’s Human Trafficking task force at our Anti-Trafficking: Post-Game Plan Breakfast on March 5, 2018.
On March 20, 2018 Dr. Brian Stewart and Dean Bill Tibbetts of North Central University's School of Business taught our Ministry Equip seminar on "Strategic Social Media." In our ever evolving social media landscape, this seminar taught effective social media marketing tools for faith-based non-profits, including 3 rules for social media engagement.
If your church is striving to be a multi-cultural church, here's a great place to start: 7 ways to reach different people groups. In Acts, Jesus commands us to make disciples of people, including people of a different ethnicity that live within our communities.
Dos and Don'ts List for Churches Addressing Mental Illness. Dos and Don'ts List Created by Sarah Gross with Nystrom and Associates
Nearly 400 people attended Transform Ideas: Awakening the Church to Mental Health at Hope Community Church on April 19, 2018. With a diverse line-up of speakers, this public forum offered a wide variety of perspectives; from the clinical to the personal and the spiritual. A mother shared about her son’s mental illness, and how the Church can better support her son. A high school guidance counselor spoke on the increasing rates of anxiety and depression among teenagers. A clinical social worker shared a powerful list of “Dos and Don’ts” for the Church; urging Christians to stop judging people with mental illness.
Our second Sankofa journey took 28 Twin Cities multi-ethnic pastors to learn about civil rights and racial reconciliation the first week of May. It was an exhausting yet rewarding journey together, travelling through the South, visiting important sites of the Civil Rights era. As we grappled with past and present realities of racism, each stop forced us to bear witness to our country’s tragic history of racial terrorism. This powerful journey forever changed us, humbled us, grieved us, yet left us grateful and hopeful in the unity of the body of Christ.
More than 350 people showed up to the afternoon and evening Rethinking Incarceration forums in May of 2018 to learn how Christians can help create a more restorative justice system. Dominique Gilliard taught about America’s history from slavery to Jim Crow to mass incarceration – a criminal justice system built on racial and social control. Gilliard urged the Church to harness their collective power and belief in the dignity of vulnerable people, and to advocate for the least of these by helping to transform the criminal justice system.
Dr. Jeanine Parolini taught about emotional intelligence at the EQ Ministry Equip training on May 31, 2018. Parolini taught on the one thing to consider when dealing with people, and highlighted the importance of recognizing that most humans instinctively react out of our insecurities. She shared the importance of participating in a 3-phase movement of surrender to God, rather than reacting out of insecurity.
At our EQ Ministry Equip training on May 31, 2018, Dr. Parolini taught organizations, churches and business leaders the importance of recognizing that each employee brings their whole heart into the workplace. "If they check a part of themselves at the door, they don’t fully engage in the workplace,” said Dr. Jeanine Parolini. Plus the role of safety and trust in workplace relationships.
On August 2, 2018 Arrive Ministries, the refugee resettlement affiliate of Transform Minnesota hosted a seminar called “Welcoming the Stranger." More than 350 people heard a message of compassion and justice for immigrants and refugees shared by Matthew Soerens, co-author of “Welcoming the Stranger.” When Jesus was asked “Who are my neighbors?” Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan. Jesus’ answer is still instructing the American Church on how we should respond to foreigners. In today's culture, when answering who are our neighbors, Soerens teaches us that the Bible instructs us to love and have compassion on refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers.
The school is the hub of any community. This Back to School season, many Minnesota churches are partnering with local school districts to meet the needs of their neighbors. Read about the ways these churches and local organizations are showing the love of Jesus through serving their schools. And find out ways your church can experience the vibrant people and cultures of its community, by stepping inside its local schools.
On Thursday August 23rd, 2018 we launched our fall “Reexamining Sexuality” workshop series with teachings on reexamining our view of God (Imago Dei). In the first (of three) workshop session, Becky Patton lays the foundation for the interwoven nature of spirituality and sexuality.
The 3 elements to employee retention that will keep employees satisfied, engaged and loyal. When managers at non-profit organizations and churches think about how to retain quality employees, their main complaint is they don’t have the funding to increase pay. But when people are asked why they do what they do – pay is NOT at the top of the list.
Transform Minnesota is thrilled to expand the reach of Transform Ideas across the state by bringing our thoughtful and engaging public forum to St. Cloud and Rochester. Nearly 300 people from the St. Cloud area attended the first Transform Ideas St. Cloud on September 25 at Calvary Community Church; the topic was mental health and the church. We are excited to announce we are also bringing Transform Ideas: Awakening the Church to Mental Health to Rochester on November 29th at Rochester Covenant Church. Read a full recap of Transform Ideas St. Cloud, plus a compilation of resources and referrals.
Before we could start reexamining sexuality, we examined the value of having a healthy view of God: as the creator of sex, desire, gender, mind, body and spirit. Next, we focused on reexamining our views of ourselves and others as image bearers of God. Finally, we embraced God’s good design for having a healthy view of sexuality and of being sexual and spiritual beings. Transform Minnesota believes in the power of diving into the complex issues surrounding sexuality in today’s society. It is only through having a healthy view of God, ourselves and others that our society can hold a healthy view and experience of sex.
On October 4, 2018 our fourth Transform Ideas forum looked into how Christians can be pro-abundant life, rather than just anti-abortion. Our inspiring panel of speakers challenged the audience to seek the goal of working toward a healthy flourishing society, as we aim to have a consistent pro-life witness. Plus how seeking value and dignity in the unborn and already born means we should advocate for foster care and affordable housing.
In October of 2018, Dr. Brian Stewart, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at North Central University, presented on four ways to effectively use social media to engage others at our Slow Your Scroll training including: building effective facebook ads, utilizing facebook analytics, and creating valuable facebook content.
Fifteen-hundred people from Minnesota’s faith communities attended the Do Justice Conference with Bryan Stevenson on November 8, 2018, and An Evening with Bryan Stevenson later that evening. Stevenson is an acclaimed civil rights attorney, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, and author of Just Mercy. He gave two addresses to a packed sanctuary at Christ Presbyterian Church on the need for Americans to pursue racial justice and reconciliation in our country. Stevenson encouraged the Church to work to change the narratives of our society and to stay hopeful, while challenging people of faith to position themselves in inconvenient and uncomfortable places.
At the “Just Church” workshop on November 8, 2018, Pastor David Myles, of New Hope Church and Christopher Brooks, of MERGE Twin Cities spoke on the Biblical foundations for being a church for all peoples. How we can be committed to fulfilling the Great Commission while also leading change in places of need, where the Lord has called us. Myles opened with the Biblical Mandate of why we are doing this for all people and Brooks finished with specific strategies for realizing this mandate.
Dr. Kenneth Young presented a compelling workshop called “What it Means to “Be In Christ” at the Do Justice Conference on November 8, 2018. Dr. Young is a systematic theologian at UNWSP. The workshop took an anthropological and sociological approach to looking at how the body of Christ is made up, and what it looks like when it is functioning for all people.
Dr. Karen McKinney, Biblical Studies professor at Bethel University taught the workshop “White Supremacy Distorted the Biblical Narrative” at the Do Justice Conference on November 8, 2018. She taught how the Anglo-Saxon Myth was born and how it impacted America's grand narrative. Dr. McKinney dug deep into four Biblical distortions used to propagate white supremacy ideology, and the construction of Whiteness. And offered actions steps for the oppressors and the oppressed.
America’s Education Inequality-Addiction was presented by Don Samuels at the Do Justice Conference on November 8, 2018. How America's bias mentality harms the education of African Americans. The history of withholding education from African American children, and other exclusionary measures that lead to inequality in America's education system. Plus what can be done to bridge the education gap?
On November 15, 2018 Natalie Ackerman, president of Cornerstone Consulting, presented at our Succession Roadmapping training. This Succession Roadmapping training shared the importance of making sure every person in your organization is prepared to transition to a place of greater leadership and responsibility when a leader is replaced. Learn the Four Common Mistakes in Leadership Succession Planning. The top questions to ask yourself about your organization’s succession plan and the top questions to ask others when looking at their leadership potential.
Transform Minnesota is committed to connecting and equipping church leaders in Minnesota communities; large and small. We are offering more conferences and forums geared toward churches in rural and small town communities, with plans for expanding our influence in the rural evangelical community in 2019.
Security best practices taught at our Get IT Secure Ministry Equip training on Jan. 16, 2019. Including five tips to block phishing attacks via email and nine tips to strengthen password security.
In partnership with Thrivent Financial, we hosted two Engaging Generations Through Generosity seminars in January 2019, that took a deep dive into research Thrivent commissioned Barna Group to conduct around the generosity of self-identified Christians.
Dr. Ruben Rivera shared that most dismantling racism efforts stall or never get off the ground. At our first Dismantling Racism workshop, held at Mercy Vineyard Church on January 24, 2019, Dr. Rivera offered 3 principles when embarking on racial reconciliation work.
On Sunday, February 24, 2019 over 450 people packed Substance Church’s downtown campus to hear world-renown Christian speaker Sy Rogers at the “God, Sex and Culture” evening forum. Sy Rogers spoke about the sexual brokenness and temptations of all humans. And offered an assuring message of the hope that God is our redemptive advocate when it comes to our struggles. The sanctuary was full of people from all ages and stages. Many youth leaders said they felt more equipped to tackle subjects of sexuality with their youth groups.
We raise our voice against all kinds of religious intolerance and hatred – regardless of the particular faith of the victims.
Sy Rogers, world-renown Christian speaker and communicator brought a message of encouragement to Christian leaders on February 25, 2019 on how to tackle the subject of healthy sexuality and responsible stewardship of our sexual desires in the Church. Attendees left the God, Sex and the Church leadership conference inspired by Sy’s depiction of God, and His redemptive advocacy, especially in areas of sexuality.
On March 14, 2019 at our Effective Board Practices training, Carl Nelson, president and CEO of Transform Minnesota taught about three hats church and ministry board members need to wear, and the appropriate times to wear those hats for effective board involvement.
At our March 14, 2019 Effective Board Practices training, Pat Mazorol, the board chair at Transform Minnesota, and Carl Nelson, the President and CEO at Transform Minnesota discussed how to navigate all of the relationships and various roles of board members in their church or ministry setting.
On April 2, 2019 Transform Minnesota presented a ministry equip training for churches and Christian nonprofits called "Fostering Dignity in the Workplace" with Virginia Cronin, attorney at Henningson and Snoxell. When designing the policies and procedures a church or nonprofit will use to conduct intake reports of sexual harassment, this 8-point checklist is a good place to start.
In-group bias in Christianity is all too normal. Dr. Ruben Rivera taught at the second Dismantling Racism training at Wooddale Church on March 21, 2018 on how Christians are often regularly, however subconsciously bias. Dr. Rivera taught about the dangers of making our view of Jesus captive to our in-group culture. Dr. Rivera showed how Jesus blew up in-group/out-group bias, and continues to empower His followers to take in-group love and give it to the out-group.
The number one rule when drafting an employee handbook, is to tailor it specifically to your organization. If the handbook is not tailored to meet your organizations needs and specific legal requirements, it will become a legal liability. At Rock Solid Employee Handbooks training on June 13, 2019, Attorney Ginny Cronin taught the three starting steps to take when drafting an Employee Handbook.
At our Trauma Informed training on June 26, 2019 held at Sanctuary Covenant Church, we looked into how Christian communities can heal unseen wounds. The Church is uniquely positioned to be a healing presence for the growing number of trauma survivors we serve in our communities.
Four hundred years ago this month, in late August 1619, a destructive and evil idea was introduced to the American colonies.
At an elementary school in North Minneapolis God is bringing hope and transformation through the lives of two godly principals and their teaching staff.
“Conflict resolution skills are the final result of years of effort combined with the experience of application”; in other words—we frequently miss the mark and it takes time.
As a proud member of the NAE, Transform Minnesota is committed to addressing the crisis of education inequity.
Transform Minnesota is encouraging Minnesota churches to participate in Pastor Appreciation Month this October.
The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) Board of Directors elected Walter Kim as its president, effective January 1, 2020. He will succeed Leith Anderson, who has served as NAE president since 2006.
Damascus Way Reentry Center has announced a new Executive Director, Tierre Webster, to join the organization in November.
On October 18th, Nicole Baker Fulgham spoke at a Transform Minnesota breakfast hosted by Bethel Christian Fellowship.
This October, several hundred gathered for Transform Minnesota’s Understanding Racism in America event with speakers Jemar Tisby and Laurel Bunker.
Transform Minnesota hosted president of the Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, Preston Sprinkle for two sold out events early this November.
Our heart is to equip the Church in steadfast scriptural foundations while encouraging compassionate, Christ-like navigation of today’s more challenging topics.
"My largest takeaway from the trip was hope—hope that I would be able to apply what we had seen and make a difference in our community."
On November 21st, River Valley Campus Pastor Kirk Graham spoke at a Transform breakfast on creating and developing vibrant church culture.
I know that God’s hand is on the Twin Cities here in Minnesota. Jesus is changing lives! I met with hundreds of pastors from various evangelical denominations in 2019 and heard unique stories of the Gospel at work.
This January, Transform Minnesota remembers and grieves those lives lost to unnatural causes, including abortion and physician-assisted suicide. We believe that because God has created each of us in His image, that every life holds dignity and purpose, regardless of life stage.
Emily Hamilton shares her heart for global mission engagement and relationships.
June 15th, 2020 marks the 100-year commemoration of Minnesota’s own egregious Duluth lynchings and the loss of three innocent lives.
Rachel’s testimony begins with a secular family in a conservative area of California and ends with a radical understanding of God and His holiness.
Kyongmin Song teaches classes on Christianity, culture, and politics with an emphasis on reconciliation; he shared some of his thoughts with Transform Minnesota.
The MN Department of Health briefed denominational leaders on March 17 to provide guidance on how churches should plan to respond to the Coronavirus emergency.
On February 27th, Transform Minnesota hosted a Ministry Equip with Virginia Cronin, who spoke to a full room on the importance and nuance of properly classifying employees.
President of Transform Minnesota, Carl Nelson, shares hope and ways God may strengthen the Church during this unprecedented time.
Christians in centuries past risked their lives to help others during pandemics. What can we risk to help small businesses, frontline charities, and our own churches in this pandemic?
Transform Minnesota is excited to announce Mike Bergman as the new Executive Director of Arrive Ministries.
Transform Minnesota issues a statement on balancing the reopening of church worship with the needs of public health.
Transform Minnesota encourages caution and compassion as Governor Walz announced new executive order 20-62, allowing for public worship gatherings beginning May 27.
George Floyd's personhood and dignity were met with violence and his last breaths were handled with a cruel lack of basic human care.
The Church holds great responsibility to lead with immediate and committed action. While critical, it is not enough for the Church to simply call out racism and reject it as evil and divisive.
The African American community in the Twin Cities is facing extensive physical, emotional, and spiritual trauma surrounding the death of George Floyd and the disproportionate effects of COVID-19.
Our witness should continue to be a priority even in the face of fears, concerns, and disagreements with others.
The Church can put our weight, energy and finances towards established organizations that are actively engaged in addressing the root issues that created the current pain in our cities.
We were grateful to have Jemar Tisby, president of The Witness: A Black Christian Collective, rejoin us to share why the pandemic is highlighting racial inequities and creating uncertainty for the African American church.
Transform was glad to welcome back Dr. Nicole Baker Fulgham, president of the Expectations Project, to shed light on why the achievement gap in Minnesota is worsening, and the Church's role in moving forward.
Executive Director of Damascus Way, Tierre Webster, shares an update on their new location in Golden Valley and practical ways for the Church to support this new residence.
Transform Minnesota is committed to helping evangelical Christians pursue racial justice and reconciliation from a distinctly biblical perspective.
It was helpful to have Jenny Yang, VP of Policy & Advocacy on Refugee Resettlement at World Relief, join us for a webinar to share a biblical perspective on welcoming refugees and immigrants.
We were so blessed to partner with Justin Giboney, president of the AND Campaign, for a webinar on how the Church can lean into and lead the way in civic engagement.
Transform Minnesota is grieved by the recent mob violence that transpired at our nation's capitol.
Savannah Kimberlin, Director of Published Research at Barna Group, hosted an interactive webinar for a group of Minnesota pastors and ministry leaders. Savannah shared from Barna Group’s 2017 and 2021 data, and together we learned about the complexities and opportunities in discipling Gen Z.
The upcoming trial for Derek Chauvin requires the Church to be united together in word and deed, prior to, during, and after the trial. Transform Minnesota has partnered with a leadership group of Black and white pastors. Together, we are asking believers across the state to join us in intentional prayer and unity, regardless of the trial’s outcome.
In conjunction with our Gen Z + The Church webinar series, Transform Minnesota is featuring Gen Z voices in open letters to the Church.
In conjunction with our Gen Z + The Church webinar series, Transform Minnesota is featuring Gen Z voices in open letters to the Church.
In conjunction with our Gen Z + The Church webinar series, Transform Minnesota is featuring Gen Z voices in open letters to the Church.
It is critical for the Church to remain committed to the transformational work of seeking peace and pursuing biblical justice in our communities.
Pastor Matthew R. St. John, Senior Pastor at New Hope Church, shares his prayer of lament that he shared at a live prayer event after the Derek Chauvin verdict.
As we continue to be committed to racial justice, we acknowledge that part of pursuing reconciliation is knowing and understanding our complicated history in the United States.
Transform Minnesota is honored to partner with The American Bible Society to bring Bible based trauma healing to the Twin Cities.
Transform Minnesota desires to listen and lean into the experiences of our Native American brothers and sisters and interviewed Pastor TJ Valtierra to learn more about his ministry.
American Bible Society desires to look at how hardships and traumatic experiences affect relationships with God, self and others, as well as how the Bible offers hope.
A LGBTQ Christian shares their personal story of being an active part of the Church.
In July we had the honor of hearing from Dr. Ed Uszynski and Nina Barnes as we unraveled more conversation surrounding racial justice.
In this second letter in the series, a LGBTQ Christian shares his personal experience with the Church.
On September 15 & 16, Transform Minnesota partnered with American Bible Society to host two Trauma Healing Convening Sessions to introduce the Trauma Healing Initiative to the Twin Cities.
Heather Drew, MA, LPC recently wrote an article for Trauma in America, on the value of the Church being a resource for those who are suffering with trauma.
Transform Minnesota is proud to highlight an exciting update with our affiliate ministry, New Life Family Services as they are building a new center in the South Minneapolis, Phillips neighborhood!
Transform Minnesota continues their partnership with OneRace as this week, the second class in a series of five, Reconciliation 201, is coming to a close!
Late last month, Transform Minnesota partnered with American Bible Society to host the Trauma Healing Equipping Sessions as an opportunity to build a more trauma-informed church in the Twin Cities.
A list of helpful resources as follow up to our Sexuality, Gender and the Church conference.
Transform Minnesota continues their partnership with OneRace as this week, the second class in a series of five, Reconciliation 201, is coming to a close!
One of Transform Minnesota's affiliate ministries, Arrive Ministries, recently made a statement on the events unfolding in Ukraine.
Transform Minnesota hosted two events with Justin Giboney surrounding the conversation of engaging in the work of justice and upholding absolute truth.
Choua LeMay, Director of Student Intercultural Programs at the University of Northwestern- St. Paul, spoke about the value her identity as a woman of color brings to leadership.
Transform Minnesota and Anselm House hosted Dr. Russell Moore for a lunch-time gathering with over 250 ministry leaders and pastors.
Today the US Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe vs. Wade, a decision that Transform Minnesota and many pro-life Americans welcome in our passionate commitment to promote human dignity and protect the sanctity of life.
Sold-out Jesus in the Secular World workshop teaches how to present the Gospel in a post-Christian culture.
As our culture shifts, Transform Minnesota is committed to helping Christians find new ways to share the gospel.
Transform Minnesota is excited to extend its partnership with the American Bible Society and the Trauma Healing Institute into 2023.
Damascus Way is providing leadership in reentry services by bringing purpose, healing, and community to those they serve.
To kick off Sanctity of Human Life month, our affiliate New Life Family Services teaches us about the importance of a holistic pro-life ethic.
Recognizing the Church's continuing need to combat racism and pursue justice on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Local ministry leaders learned how Trauma Healing Groups can be implemented in their ministries, and how to engage the content themselves.
Spiritual Conversations for the Non-Religious workshop shows the radical shift needed to spread the Gospel to a new generation.
Pastor Dave Mergens shares what rural and suburban pastors can learn from each other when building discipling relationships.
Transform President Carl Nelson joined the United for Life rally, part of a multi-pronged approach to demonstrating a pro-life ethic.
Transform Minnesota remains committed to equipping leaders to apply a biblical sexual ethic to questions they navigate within their ministry.
A discussion about finding God-honoring identity language which describes the experience of individuals who experience same-sex attraction.
Arrive Ministries tells us about their work in refugee resettlement and the biblical invitation to welcome the stranger.
Dr. Greg Coles explores how the Church can apply a biblical sexual ethic for gay and straight members of church community.
Minnesota Employment Law Changes webinar provides nuanced explanations for why some regulations now apply to religious organizations and churches.
Training with OneRace Movement helped participants begin to know, own, and change the story of race and racism in the United States.
The work to address historic injustice in education continues as affirmative action programs are effectively ended.
Select resources from past speakers for further education and awareness on the topic of racial justice and reconciliation.
Dr. Walter Kim encouraged leaders to adopt a comprehensive Gospel that promotes formation and cultural flourishing.
Rev. Dr. James Choung provided insight on ways to reach different generations with the message of the Gospel.
Churches and ministries need to continue preparing as the implementation of multiple employment law changes nears.
Join us for a self-guided trip through sites related to the history or race and racism in Minnesota with Sankofa @ Home!
Shani Johnson reflects on her experience of following the thread of history through the 2023 Sankofa journey.
Two Posture Shift Intensive Courses offered participants a model for inclusion and care of LGBT+ individuals within their ministries.
Bishop David E. Johnson reflects on the platform Sankofa provides to confront painful historical truths and work toward a more just future.
Pastor Carleigh McCormick discusses the feelings of responsibility that came from in-person interaction with the past during Sankofa.
Jon Willis reflects on continuing to go back with Sankofa and the new personal understanding he took from this trip.
Pastors and leaders worked to understand sexuality and gender beyond personal identity and learned more about fostering belonging in churches
Pastors have signed on to a call for the restoration of a religious exemption to the Minnesota Human Rights Act
More than 250 leaders learned new ways to approach the election cycle through Civic Revival and the Church Politics podcast.
Jim Davis, co-author of The Great Dechurching, joined us to discuss "the largest religious shift in American history."
Check out these resources to help your church navigate change and develop ways to reach the dechurched around you!
Dr. Daniel Lee Hill kicked off the Beyond Voting series by discussing the ways political theology shapes Christian political engagement.